Focus on people issues, not personality Deccan chronicle

12 th Dec 2018 paper
Discussion on political parties focus on people issues, not personality, in the Deccan chronicle .

The political parties which like to lead a country must focus on core issues. Unfortunately, the trend is not prevailing in our country as to concentrate on any such critical issues. The people of our country should choose the best from our political parties only. The prime ministerial candidate is not having such deterministic view on issues concerned to the basic need of the people. The leading parties at present is involving themselves in our country on their stabilised position in the existing political system. It does not lead to any of our basic survival in our land. The central political parties is in the mood of political alliances with state wise existing parties to retain their status at statewise positions. For common issues in the statewise wise level, the central political parties keep silent on core basic amenities to all people. There is no charismatic leadership on our political parties involving common man basic welfare.


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