My Discussion in the Hindu Paper Topic

My discussion on thehindu

Polittcal advertising is mainly focusing on the Government department notes in a nutshell for framing the achievement of the ruling party.

By framing the picture of the rulers should cut by enlarging the schemes in which the people beneficial positions in actual status.

Title: Should online political advertising be regulated?

My discussion on thehindu

The Current Accountal System Holding(CASH), the Cash which is valuable for transacting the materials is in the transformation stage. The Cash value at present need to have genuine transactional merits rather than the possessional approach.

Shifts from Currency to Digital format would take more time to understand the concept behind it.
Till Such time, The Currency in terms of Cash Value holds good.

Title: Three years since demonetisation, cash is back

My discussion on thehindu

Ease Of Doing(EOD) is a trend for all people and this is the strategy for Government Initiative at present. It is very difficult for Rural people. The Coverage for entire people for our country is tobe only in farming Sectors.

EOD(Ease Of Doing) for the livelihood is basic necessity to be fulfiled for all citizens.
For livelihood, Natural Employment opportunities is always in Agricultural sectors.

In the National Rural employment Scheme, Farming sector should tune into service sector with all the Electronic Gadgets for maximising the agricultural sector for EOD.

As rightly pointed out by this article author, support must focus on to the rural umemployed people so as to avoid pressure on Land.

Title : What makes doing business easier


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